Saturday, June 21, 2008

Web Lecture: Privacy

I think privacy is really important because you want to disclose but at the same time you want to maintain some privacy in your personal life. The web lectures talks open-closedness dialectic and how it addresses the balance between self-disclosure and privacy. The authors identified three themes associated with this dialectic based on married couples and heterosexual couples about perceived information sharing, vulnerability, and a desire for increased interaction. They found that over time couples practice self disclosure however some couples do not self disclose certain things because of they feel vulnerable and keep certain feelings private.

I think it is important to find a good balance of self-disclosure and privacy in a relationship. You have to find the right balance because if both people in the relationship practice privacy more then self-disclosure there could be some trust issues in the relationship and if you self-disclose too much and don’t some information private it might hurt you in the end.

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