Friday, June 27, 2008

Web Lecture: Interpersonal Attraction

I really enjoyed reading this web lecture because I believe Interpersonal attraction is something everyone can relate to. I really found the section about Anthropological perspectives interesting and very true.

Anthropological perspectives focuses on physical beauty as the base of interpersonal attraction. According to the web lecture what constitutes beauty culturally changes over time. Individuals place a big emphasis on physical attractiveness in romantic relationships. Physical beauty is often associated with good and physical ugliness is often associated with bad. I believe everyone can relate to this theme because ever since we were little we were taught in movies what beauty is and what constitutes as ugly such as the example of the Joker in Batman the Web lecture discusses.

I think there are a lot of great people out there but because of are strong emphasis on physical beauty many people might not escalate a romantic relationship with that person because our society constitutes them as unattractive.

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