Friday, June 20, 2008

Ch. 7 Factors Affecting the Manner of Self-Disclosure: Sex Differences

Reseachers have suggested that men and women use different styles of disclosure. For example men use a status-assertive disclosure style, hiding weaknesses and emphasizing successes while women use an affiliativeor status-neutralizing disclosure style. They also suggest before women disclose they find it very important that the person they disclose to also be discreet, trustworthy, sincere, liked, respected, a good listener, warm, and open. Although not much research has been done on the amount of disclosure they have found that women do disclose more then men do but not by much.

I believe men disclose just as much as women but the style in which they do it in is different then women like the book suggests. I never really thought men disclosed any meaning full information with each other in the way the acted but back in high school I was close friends with guys who were on the baseball team and they shared with me they used to talk in the locker room with each other and disclose information that was meaningful to them. I used to never think guys could really talk to each other about private information like that but they do they just have a different way of disclosing.

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